Jesper Arent Andersen Sort Hvid
Jesper Arent Andersen
Environmental and Quality Manager
+45 2516 9169


  • The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 150 million people worldwide are daily exposed to asbestos in their workplaces.
  • According to WHO, there are 100,000 deaths annually due to asbestos-related diseases.
  • In Denmark, the Danish Cancer Society estimates that around 400 people each year develop lung or mesothelioma cancer due to past asbestos exposure. Approximately 100 of these cases are mesothelioma, and the numbers are increasing.
  • Despite the ban on asbestos use in 1986, asbestos-related diseases remain the occupational factor causing the highest number of deaths in Denmark.


Asbestos is mineral fibers with high resistance to heat.

The fibers are very thin and have high tensile strength. Due to these properties, asbestos has been used for a wide range of purposes in the construction industry since the industrialization in the early 1900s.

Asbestos fibers are characterized by their ability to split lengthwise, resulting in thinner and therefore more dangerous fibers over time. The thinner and smaller the fibers are, the deeper they penetrate the respiratory tract, ultimately reaching the lungs, where oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream.


Unfortunately, it has been shown that asbestos has a range of harmful effects when inhaled. The very small and thin asbestos fibers can be present in dust when working with asbestos-containing materials.

If asbestos fibers are inhaled, they can penetrate the tiniest branches of the lungs, leading to the development of asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Additionally, asbestos can enter the bloodstream and spread to internal organs, causing cancer in other parts of the body, such as the stomach and intestines.

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  • Eternit roof sheets from before 1986.
  • Eternit slate roofs from before 1986.
  • Eternit exhaust and ventilation ducts from extractor hoods and bathroom ventilation channels.
  • Mixed with diatomaceous earth in pipe bends and pipe insulation on heating pipes.
  • Tile adhesives.
  • Spackling and joint compounds.
  • Wall claddings and sandwich panels with Eternit.
  • Fire doors.
  • Roof membranes and roofing felt.
  • Eternit elements for wall coverings and window sills.
  • Vinyl floor coverings and floor adhesive.
  • Paint on materials designed to withstand heat.

Additionally, asbestos has been used in various technical solutions such as gaskets, couplings, and brakes.

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To carry out asbestos remediation, one must comply with the Danish Working Environment Authority's (Arbejdstilsynet (AT)) Asbestos Order.

The Demolition and Environmental Remediation section of the Danish Construction Association (DI Byggeri) has published the Asbestos Guideline (in Danish), which outlines the procedures for asbestos remediation in a way that adheres to AT's regulations.

By utilizing members of this section to carry out asbestos remediation, a thorough decontamination of asbestos occurrences is ensured.

The association has established an independent control scheme that conducts unannounced visits to verify members' compliance with the applicable rules. If this is not the case, the member is excluded from the association.

Everyone working with asbestos must complete the mandatory asbestos training, which can be taken at institutions like AMU Learnmark in Horsens, Aarhus Tech, or Roskilde Technical School.

Furthermore, workers conducting asbestos remediation must be offered a health examination.

Asbestos remediation typically involves the following steps:

  • The asbestos area is demarcated, and signs prohibiting entry are put up.
  • Negative pressure ventilation is set up to prevent asbestos fibers from spreading to adjacent areas. To maintain negative pressure during the remediation work, an airlock is established for entry to the area.
  • An environmental decontamination unit is set up, equipped with double changing rooms separated by a shower room.
  • Workers use personal protective equipment such as coveralls, respirators, gloves, and footwear. There should always be two workers present in the remediation area.
  • After asbestos removal, the work area is thoroughly cleaned using a special vacuum cleaner and wet wiping. The area is then left for 24 hours before final cleaning takes place. Following this procedure, asbestos levels in the air and on surfaces are usually reduced to an acceptable level.

For outdoor asbestos work, such as roof removal, it is sufficient for workers to be instructed by another worker who has completed the mandatory asbestos training. For outdoor asbestos remediation, workers must be provided with coveralls and masks according to regulations. These should be used if dust from asbestos-containing materials is generated.


  • Waste from the remediation is placed in double-layered waste bags, clearly labeled with ASBESTOS, and stored in locked containers.
  • Exterior materials, such as roofing sheets, are stacked on pallets and placed in containers, which are removed before the end of the workday, or lockable containers are used.
  • All asbestos waste is disposed of at a landfill designated by the local municipal waste authority.