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When Kingo's specially trained employees are assigned an environmental remediation task, you can confidently rely on the fact that both occupational health, the external environment, and all regulations concerning proper disposal will be responsibly managed throughout the entire environmental remediation process.
When we undertake a task, we ensure through our quality procedures that you, as a customer, have the assurance that safety regulations, environmental rules, and neighbour considerations are taken into account. Once we have completed an environmental remediation task, you will receive a comprehensive description of what has been done. Therefore, you can later present documentation if needed.
Kingo is certified in Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (ISO 14001), and Occupational Health and Safety Management (DS/ISO 45001). Additionally, we are subject to Danish regulatory schemes (Demolition Industry's Environmental Control Scheme and the control scheme under the Danish Asbestos Association) which, through impartial inspections, ensure that our environmental remediation is carried out correctly.
If you own a building that needs to be demolished, it's your responsibility to locate hazardous substances so they can be separated from recyclable materials. Asbestos, PCB, lead, mold, and heavy metals must be disposed of according to special regulations.
Kingo has the knowledge and expertise required to:
- Locate hazardous substances (environmental screening and mapping).
- Remove hazardous substances legally (environmental remediation) so that demolition can take place safely, environmentally responsibly, and with documentation.
Kingo's specially trained employees ensure that asbestos does not spread to other parts of the building and the surrounding environment.
For asbestos remediation, we use specialized equipment, and our employees are fully protected. The sanitized areas are delivered cleaned and with quality control measurements that document the safety and suitability of the areas for future use.
We offer
- Registration and sampling for asbestos-containing building materials.
- Training for those interested in conducting asbestos sampling themselves.
- Supply of complete sampling equipment for asbestos registration.
- Asbestos remediation both internally and externally in buildings.
- Specially trained personnel capable of removing all types of asbestos in construction.
- We deliver the area asbestos-free and cleaned.
Kingo is a member of the Danish Asbestos Association, which is an association of asbestos remediators. The association has developed guidelines for asbestos remediation and through our membership, we have joined an external control scheme where an asbestos expert oversees the asbestos tasks we undertake.
Kingo offers complete solutions for PCB remediation and PCB occurrences in both interior and exterior construction. Our experienced team is happy to advise on how to approach PCB remediation and how to handle suspicion of PCB presence.
We offer
- Sampling and registration of PCB content in joints, insulating glass units, paint, etc.
- Action plan for remediation of registered PCB occurrences.
- Occupational health-compliant PCB remediation both internally and externally, carried out by specialists.
- Effective measures to prevent the spreading of PCB to the surroundings during remediation.
- Safe and proper handling of PCB-containing waste.
- Efficient documentation of the entire remediation process.
- PCB removal through thermal stripping.
Kingo performs thermal stripping of PCBs
Kingo removes PCB from buildings using the new remediation method "thermal stripping." With this new method, after the primary PCB sources are removed, we can reduce the PCB content in the air below the Danish Health Authority's low action limit of 300 ng PCBTotal/m3 air.
During the execution of thermal stripping, the area is carefully delimited, and an airlock with negative pressure is established for the remediation zone. The building is heated, and the PCB-laden air is sucked out through large insulated hoses and passed through a large environmental vacuum with activated carbon filters, which purifies the air before it's reintroduced into the building. It's through this circulation that the PCB is vaporized and cleaned from the air.
Kingo seals PCB with ProSeal
If the PCB concentration in a building exceeds the Danish Health Authority's action value of 300 ng/m3, it can have health implications for the people in the building.
Kingo is certified to seal the PCB source with ProSeal, a proven method to reduce PCB concentration.
In some cases, PCB contamination can be so extensive that it's necessary to remove the primary PCB sources and sandblast the building before applying the sealing. Kingo also has good experiences with thermal stripping, a method to vaporize PCB from buildings.
Kingo's employees are specialized in lead remediation and ensure efficient removal of lead-containing materials before demolitions and renovations.
We offer
- Sampling and registration of lead in building materials.
- Action plan for remediation of registered lead occurrences.
- Environmentally sound lead remediation both indoors and outdoors is conducted by specialized personnel.
- Effective measures to prevent the spreading of lead to the surroundings during remediation.
- Safe and proper handling of lead-containing waste.
- Documentation of the entire lead remediation process.
Safe lead remediation
For lead to be handled safely and properly, it's important to have a clear understanding of where lead is present and what concentrations of lead are in the material. During demolition and renovation, two important considerations are:
- Employee safety and health during the execution of remediation work.
- Recycling building materials requires that they are clean and free from hazardous substances.
To work with lead-containing building materials, the Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) requires that employees' health is continuously monitored with blood lead measurements. Therefore, all members of our team are covered by a health program where the development of lead levels in their blood is closely monitored. To avoid excessive concentrations of lead in the blood, employees must use effective protective equipment and ensure proper personal hygiene.
Our experienced team is happy to advise on how to approach lead remediation.
Kingo has the knowledge and experience necessary to assess a mold infestation and address mold remediation thoroughly. We ensure that contaminated material doesn't spread to the surroundings by establishing dust-tight work areas with negative pressure. Cleaning, moving, and temporary storage of inventory can be part of the mold remediation task. Upon completion, Kingo prepares a quality report documenting that the remaining building components are mold-free.
Moisture and indoor climate consultation
Since mold infestations are often caused by elevated moisture levels in basements or within buildings (leaks, condensation, etc.), it's crucial to both remove the mold and identify and address moisture problems. That's why Kingo offers consultation and collaboration with experienced and independent specialists in moisture and indoor climate solutions.
We offer
- Inspection and initial consultation.
- Sampling and moisture measurements.
- Consultation on moisture and indoor climate solutions.
- Subsequent thorough cleaning of the mold-remediated areas.
- Delivery of the mold-remediated area ready for reconstruction, including a quality report with sampling that documents the results.